Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"...O'Malley continues to prove that he is one of the more important writers around, a writer who with every book brings into our lives some very strange, often exceedingly humorous, and now, frequently very lonely people. His ability to create language for each of his characters is sharp, well studied and written, and without belittling anyone he, in language, shows the difference between class, and education, and exposure. Likely that comes from his experience in writing plays where characters are alive and moving, but with his considerable literary skills he makes his written page people morph into real life folks. He is in top form here ... "  Grady Harp, June 12  (Hall of Fame reviewer) 
Read the entire review at Barnes & Noble or Amazon

"... There are people here who mourn love; love lost and love betrayed and love never known. There is light love and heavy love and all that soft, warm, squelchy stuff that young people think is love and old people know is not love but do anyway because it makes them feel young. But, as the title suggests, it is not only love. There are other stories, also. Of funny, lonely, happy, sad, frightened people. There are ill and dying people. There are suicidal people. Not much to laugh about there, you might think. Yet you find yourself laughing. No harsh laughter; not laughter at, but with. You smile, at the warmth (in some cases the naked heat) that makes the life of the people. That makes the people alive. Then you see that this is why you are smiling. And it makes you cry."
John Dawson - Amazon reviewer 

-- Peggy, a London widow at 42, revisits her life.
-- In New York, the 'Queen of Manhattan' surveys her domain.
-- In Sydney, Elsie seeks "the truth" and finds it. 
-- Hollywood legends Joan Crawford and Jean Harlow clash in a chronologically impossible meeting on Pago-Pago.

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